Debuting in January 2000, Anthrolations: The Magazine of Anthropomorphic Dramatic Fiction showcases character based stories employing anthropomorphic animals in a variety of themes and sub-genres. It has enjoyed fan and critical acclaim, including several Best Fanzine nominations and multiple individual story and art Ursa Major Awards.
- Joe Manx by Justin Stanchfield. Illustrations by Andrea Adams.
- Crucible by Kim Liu. Illustrations by Dave Bryant.
- Magnum Opus by J. Scott Rogers. Illustrations by Cara Mitten.
- A Crack in the Wall by Kashra. Illustrations by Scott Fabianek.
- Mange by Michael H. Payne. Illustrations by Brenda DiAntonis.
- Many Years from Now - Part Two by Tim Susman. Illustrations by Karena Kliefoth.
Anthrolations #2
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